Sunday, October 13, 2013

Sleeping Beauty

I attended Sleeping Beauty at Playhouse Square earlier this afternoon.  The ballet reminded me how awesome and beautiful fairies are, and how relevant they are to babies.  Many fairy-tales involve fairies, and their various blessings, curses, abductions, and guardianship of babies and young girls until they come of age.  Most of the "bad" fairies curse babies when they weren't invited to celebrate the coming, birth, or other important event in a girls life.  So, I will be making sure I invite all fairies to all important events in my future child(ren)'s life.

A good fairy also helped Princess Aurora's true love find her so they could be together, since a bad fairy had kidnapped her with the intention of keeping the lovers from each other, which does make me wonder about the involvement of fairies in my relationship with my husband.  Sometimes it certainly does take outside help in order for us to understand each other, and outside influence for us to completely misunderstand each other as well.  We certainly need to be paying attention to the good fairies, and the good outside influences that help us.  It's just so hard to tell which ones are good and which ones are not a lot of the time.

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