Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Cosmic dust of the Horsehead Nebula
from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope
I recently listened to the podcast of Rev. Katie Norris' service When All is Lost.  In this service Norris says, "I find more comfort in the story of the universe, and the fact that we all go back to being stardust one day, than the idea of going to heaven when we die."  This quote, as well as the rest of the service, inspired a somewhat more defined belief in fairies to me.  It was the first time I heard the term stardust.  What Norris was really referring to is cosmic dust; stardust is technically a small percentage of cosmic dust.  Regardless, stardust sounds prettier than cosmic dust, so I'm going to continue the inaccurate use of the word.

Anyway, I now like to think of fairies as the spirits of stardust.  This doesn't mean that every particle of dust has a fairy in it, but fairies and stardust do have some sort of affiliation with each other.  They are similar in that they have existed (effectively) forever and will remain forever.  Also, they are similar in the way that both are required for life, especially human life, to exist.  In the sermon, Norris discussed how she had to adapt her theology after she learned that her mom has Alzheimer's.  Her old one stressed the importance of memories, logic, and science and she adapted it to include the importance of community since just the previous three no longer seemed to be enough.  I see my own theology as being quite similar and I believe fairies to be influential in both the memories and community parts of my theology.  Fairies create the collective consciousness of the universe.  To do this they associate with individual consciousnesses as well.  They empathize with all of our feelings including love, joy, and sorrow.  There is also a likeness of them to the Force in Star Wars.  We cannot use them to move physical objects like the Jedi can.  However, we can use fairies to improve ourselves and our community, or to hurt ourselves and our community.  Fairies prefer to be used for good though.  In order to use fairies for good, we must find and share fairies by living our lives in a way we cherish and sharing our cherished life with others.

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