Monday, August 20, 2012

The Truth is Out There

The Truth is Out There by Boris Mrdja
Licensed under Creative Commons
"The truth is out there" is a quote made popular by the T.V. series The X-Files.  I don't know if they came up with it, but they certainly used it a lot.  This was my favorite show when I was a tween.  Growing up Unitarian Universalist, I was encouraged to do "a free and responsible search for truth and meaning."  That's the fourth principle of the religion.  This made the quote "the truth is out there" seem all that more inspiring to me.  So much so that it was my eighth grade coming of age credo (yeah, the entire credo).

When it comes to the truth, I feel like I've always known enough of the science stuff, or at least knew where to find those types of answers.  My dad, school textbooks, and my science teachers stuffed me so full of it that I didn't really care for it.  I really appreciate the truth in science.  However, I differentiate the truth there is in science and the spiritual truth, as I'm sure many others do.  The spiritual truth has always been much more complicated.  In a way, everyone creates their own spiritual truth, and everyone's spiritual truth probably only makes sense to themselves.  Even Christians going to the same church, reading the same bible, and listening to the same sermons and services will interpret the information to suit their individual brand of spirituality.  My individual brand of spirituality being based on fairies seems like its far outside the box of normal individual spiritualities.  I suppose that's expected to happen when one is raised UU though.

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