Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Relationship of Spirituality

Bamboo Fairy by Alice Popkorn
Licensed under Creative Commons
I believe spirituality to be a personal relationship between one and the divine (whatever the divine may happen to be for the individual).  This blog post from Rev. Evan Keely reminded me of that, and some distinctions about spirituality since it's a relationship.  Keely mentioned how when he chose to be in a relationship with his wife it was not based on scientific reasoning; it was based on feelings.  This really spoke to me.  Before I started this fairy stuff, science was the closest thing I had to spiritual beliefs.  It simply did not work for me.  The reason for that was because I feel scientific reasoning cannot always explain feelings.  Now that I do base the relationship of spirituality on feelings, it works much better.

I don't believe in fairies because I observe them scientifically.  I did not use the scientific method and come to the conclusion that there are fairies.  I felt fairies, or at least what I would like to call fairies.

Keely pointed out that many of the decisions people make are based on feelings rather than facts.  Whether it's with whom we're in relationship, politics, religion, etc.  However, it seems to me that not only is my spirituality based on feelings, my feelings are based on spirituality. Most areas where I choose to make decisions based off of feelings rather than facts are in some way spiritual.  My religion, political beliefs, and the relationships I'm in are all related to my spirituality.  As I've explained in previous posts, I believe that fairies make up my soul.  I also believe that it is this soul from which many my feelings come from.  Feelings and fairies are inextricably connected.

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